2017 Solar Eclipse: The gateway for freedom

Indigo Solar EclipseDear ones, the 21st August Solar Eclipse will bring us the opportunity to let go of old patterns, behaviors, addictions, habits and routines that no longer serve our purposes and missions on Earth!

This is a call for “being free” and prepared for the next step: To build the New Earth, to bring heaven to earth, to breed love and light! We are light workers, we have to assume our light and be free of old patterns that block us from our true essence! Our hearts are only working half or less than they are prepared to work and shine! Our responsibility is to use 100% of our heart energy, it’s the gateway to be free of any kind of fear or scarcity.

We are here to build Unity, peace, love and light!

We can assume this energy on our hearts just being conscious of it! Tomorrow is important to enter the gateway given by the solar eclipse energy and give our soul the opportunity to be free. Old patterns, like addictions are stones on our path, but they will persist until we give them a command to let go, we only have to tell them that they are no longer serving us and this is a simple way to give it light transmuting in love, to invite new beginnings and opening a space to blossom our beautiful gifts! Earth is calling!

Addictions are very common in Indigo souls, they have so far been serving a purpose, and it’s very important to understand and be aware of it, in order to let go with love, embrace the shadow, love it, and be grateful for its purpose in other times of duality experiences. Now we are entering in a new reality, a reality of Unity consciousness, they are no longer serving us, it’s a priority to let them go!

So, dear ones, if you are resonating with this message it’s time for you to let go of old patterns in your life and be free of chains.

Addictions are ways we found to hide our true essence, our true mission and purpose on Earth. Before coming to Earth we’ve chosen meticulously our family, our friends, our encounters, in order to remind ourselves of old wounds we left unresolved from other lives or experiences. Each person around us is a very important messenger here and now to give an opportunity of healing in our life. When we find ourselves trapped in an addiction, maybe it is a family heritage that is telling us that it is imprinted in our genes and we have the responsibility to let it go from our blood and veins, transmuting in an opportunity of healing and love ourselves. It also can be a mask we found useful in a difficult period of our life in which we wanted to hide, calming and protecting ourselves from anxiety and fears.

Addictions in the duality reality are like shields that we use to protect and hide from something that is making us nervous and anxious, it is a product of fear.

In the Unity consciousness we have no way to hide from our true nature and essence of Love, there’s no space for fear, our hearts shine so bright that is impossible to hide, it is our truth! We are one with love and light, Earth has been ascending till this time and is One with us, our heart is beating more and more, we are all being called to shine with Mother Earth as ONE! Free yourself from the entanglement of the duality perception, it is no longer serving you, it’s time to love our shadows and be grateful for the purpose they served one day!

Give yourself the opportunity to be free, love yourself, be grateful for all that you are and were before!

The solar eclipse energy is a gateway to deprogram and release from fear, RESET and enter the energy of LOVE! It’s your choice to be free!

Old patterns, behaviors, addictions, habits and routines that no longer serve our purposes and missions on Earth have to be released because they have been growing on a fear land, they have been created by fear thoughts. Let’s give a chance to grow our gifts in a Love land, we are co-creators of Love energy, Love is a choice! Where do you want to be? Love or fear?

Love & Light

Rainbow Children Indigo children

17 Year Old Indigo Child Message To The New Children And Lightworkers

For thousands of years the ancients have predicted great changes ahead for this planet. The Mayans anticipated the Age of Aquarius that began in 2012 and now another great transition in the planet’s timeline have arrived. All over the world people are waking up, realizing that something is awfully off. My dear bearers of the light, something has been off for years! The Elite has done everything in its self-serving power to keep humans in the dark and I am happy to say that their ruler ship is drastically coming to a dead end. My message in this article will be that of unity, compassion and the inner strength we will all have to find to bravely accept our mission, even if we don’t remember completely what that mission is yet, and to hold the new frequency Mother Earth and the Collective Consciousness will need to complete the transition into 5D.

My human vehicle is just 17 earth years but I’ve existed for lifetimes. I will share something personal in hope that it will be of encouragement to the hearts of young indigos and Starseeds who are facing similar challenges; you are not alone! I’ve always had trouble with my spirituality and psychic development. From a very early age I knew this planet was not where I originate but because of the human family I grew up with, a family who believes aliens and psychic powers are nonsense and impossibl, I always doubted myself. For a good couple of years those doubts and the way the school system and society conditioned me stood as a blockage for my awakening. I had tons of supernatural experiences! Around the age of 8-9 I drowned and had a near death experience. An experience I will never forget, sweeter than my very first kiss! I’ve had lucid dreams of encountering extraterrestrials on spacecrafts, I’ve had astral travel experiences, spoken with crystals and spirit beings etc It’s not like these things never happened to me but always, always, I seemed to stumble or get stuck in some points of my evolution. The magical thing I am beginning to understand however this is:


Whether it is spiritual, psychic or emotional, feeling stuck and limited is an integral part of our awakening because we are becoming aware of the limitations that is forced upon us in the third dimension. With this awareness, deep inside our being we begin to feel uncomfortable. We try over and over to move something with our minds or to fly or leave our body and it just doesn’t work. This feeling is important. Feeling is a universal language, the language that reveals the secrets we all seek to uncover. By feeling limited you begin to understand that you are not! That is why we feel uncomfortable in such cases. A lot of discomforts will be on this awakening path but they are not there to stop you from reaching your potential. This is where you will be tested and required to use your inner strength, your inner knowingness to pierce through the veil of forgetfulness and move to the next phase of your awakening and why you are here.


Compassion is needed. A love that is unconditional, not judgemental or selective but free and pure. Love indeed is the energy that binds all life together. Love keeps us connected. The stargates that opened in August through to September as provided humanity with the frequency required to complete our cycles and timelines, to allow the old and negative ways to fade leaving infinite space for the love and light of Prime Creator to express itself. The world has enough medical doctors, soldiers, lawyers, pilots etc etc… A new reality is emerging and what the planet needs now more than ever is people with loving hearts, kindness and selflessness. And that is the energy that will bring us to ascension. Children of the stars overcome your obstacles. Now is the time! Hold the new energies that our Creator has provided us then express it abundantly with every soul you come in contact with.


Critical times are upon us. Turn of the television because the garbage on there won’t edify you. Come out into nature, sing with the birds, sit under a tree and daydream a little. Begin taking a habit of projecting positive and peaceful thoughts because they will shape your reality and make life better on Earth. Start to meet up with others of like mind like you who walks away from the crowd and seek the secrets of the universe. Come together, meditate together for together we are stronger. Together the new energy you brought to this planet will anchor and change the world.

Namaste! Love and Light to my brothers and sisters of the stars.

by Shawn-Dee Scott,
Guest writer, In5D.com

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